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When They Departed.. December 12, 2013

Posted by mbintanghp in 'curhat', family.
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When someone you love dies, you’re not sad and angry for them.
You’re sad for you.
You’re angry at yourself.
When you cry, you’re not crying for the person who died.
They’re gone, they’re at peace.
You’re crying for you, because you’re the one who lost a dear person and you’re the one who has to live with the hole they left you with.
You’re the one who is going to live with a constant feeling that something will always be missing from your life.
You cry because it’s missing.
You’re angry at yourself because you find out that you’re at fault for not looking into that person’s eyes the way you had to.
You regret not spending time with them more often, not talking to them, not getting enough of them.
You regret not savoring every moment you could have had with them, because you know that they’ve taken a part of you that you might never get back.
The person who dies doesn’t have to worry about how the world will be without them.
You do. 
-Lyra Klaude-
おじいちゃん、おばあさん、と従兄が亡くなった時を思い出しちゃった。あそこに元気でいるでしょうね、三人とも ☺


1. koji - December 22, 2013

Makjleb banget ini pas lagi nyari postingan bertema serupa. nevertheless people may come and go, yet live goes on

2. Update Lagumu - June 25, 2014

mantap sob postnya

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